Wednesday 24 April 2024

2º - Challenge 10


Today the challenge is related to these sculptures...

What are them? Where can you find them? and... which famous historical event took place there??

Clue: we are reading about it these days...

Thursday 18 April 2024

4º - Unit 6 The Great Depression and the New Deal

 Here you have a brief video about it...

And another one a bit longer including the New Deal:

4º - Unit 6 - The Great Depression

Here you have a presentation about the 30's, the Great Depression.

Monday 8 April 2024

4º - Russian Revolutions, videos

 You have the class presentation in Teams.

Here you have some videos to practice english!

2º - The Inquisition

During the Catholic Monarchs rule, the Spanish Inquisition started to work...

Here we have some more information about the Inquisition (videos are in spanish):

This is from the TV series "Isabel":

2º - Challenge 9

Imagine you are the first in discovering a new continent... 

What would you like to find there? 

How would you name it??

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Monday 11 March 2024

4º - Reading book


This is the book will read during the third term. It's related to next topic, the "Russian Revolutions".

We have one in the school library.

4º - WW1 Presentation

 Here you have the class presentation.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

4º - Challenge 7 answer / Music and history

So you knew it!
He was 

Some of your articles are quite good!

I leave you this article to know a bit more about this interesting character ans his life... part history part legend...!

New challenge coming soon...

And here you have one more... Music and History! This time we have Rasputin by Boney M... could you dance like him??

Monday 4 March 2024

4º - Unit 5 - WW1 videos

Here you have a set of videos summarising WW1... They are short, and easy to follow... Please watch them...

World War I - How Did It Start? 

World War I - Which Countries Fought

WW1 - Weapons and Technology

WWI - The Aftermath

World War I - How Did It End?

World War I - Treaty of Versailles

And here you have also a rap to remember how the alliances came into practice at the beginning of the war... :)

Last, but not least... a summary of the war through two different videos... it can be very useful for both, practicing english and learning about WW1... :

Thursday 29 February 2024

2º - Challenge 8 Solution and winner

It is the Beatus map, one of the most important cartographic works of the Early Middle Ages (8th century). It was first drawn by the Spanish monk Beatus of Liébana. Although the original manuscript is lost, there remain several copies, which retain a high fidelity with respect the original (as the one in Saint Sever).

The Map is shown in the prologue of the second book of Beatus' work Commentary on the Apocalypse. Its main goal is to illustrate the primitive Diaspora of the Apostles.

In this mappa mundi, the world is represented as a circular disc surrounded by the Ocean. The Earth is divided in three continents: Asia (upper semicircle), Africa (right lower quadrant) and Europe (left lower quadrant). The continents are separated by water streams and inner seas, including the Mediterranean Sea (Europe-Africa), the River Nile (Africa-Asia), the Bosporus, and the Aegeus Sea (Europe-Asia). In the center of the world lies Jerusalem, sacred to both Christianity and Judaism.

As an art style is difficult to say.. but the original (lost) because of the date it was prerromanesque.

Saturday 24 February 2024

4º - Unit 5 - Imperialism, the Conference of Berlin

Resultado de imagen de conference of berlin summary

Resultado de imagen de conference of berlin summary

Resultado de imagen de conference of berlin summary

2º - Reading plan!

We have almost arrived to the moment in which we are ready to read in English!

That's also the moment because of the topic, the Catholic Monarchs are arriving... so you need to buy this book for next weeks:

Monday 19 February 2024

2º - Challenge 7

Hi there!

This week's challenge is...

What is this? What does it represent? When was it made and art style? and by who?

Wednesday 14 February 2024

4º - Challenge 7

Hi there! 
A new chance for you to win a card...
Today we will research about this man on the picture...  It has to do with Unit 5 we are studying...

Who was this man?
In what historical context did he live?

Tell us something special about his appereance and about his character...
When and how did he die??


Wednesday 7 February 2024

4º - Challenge 6 answer

This caricature was published in LA FLACA in february 1870.

La Flaca was a satirical magazine, republican and federal in nature, published in Barcelona from March 1869.

If you're interested you can browse some models in the National Library website.

We can see Isabel II among other Bourbons, carlists included (una familia modelo...) figthing for the spanish throne against many people who were candidates or claimants to the throne.

Monday 29 January 2024

4º - Challenge 6

Here you have the new week challenge...

It's about caricatures!

Who is this one about? Could you explain the meaning easily?

2º - Challenge 6

Hi you all!

Here you have a new challenge!

You have to investigate about the Battle of Covadonga

The best commentary wins a card.






Thursday 18 January 2024

2º - Challenge 5


You have to tell me the city in which these three monuments are located... its nickname, and the name and religion of these monuments.

We will raffle the card between the winners.




4º - Challenge 5

Hi there!

Here we have the new challenge!

In this one you have to become a "journalist" and investigate a bit about our former spanish king Fernando VII...

Make a small report including anything you find curious or interesting about him! Not long... 

With your best answers we can create an article for the school magazine!

Wednesday 17 January 2024

4º - The Independence of Latin America

 Here you have an extra video to know a bit more about the proccess while practice English!

4º - Unit 4 - videos

Videos to review the first part of the unit...

The  Spanish War of Independence:

About the Constitution of 1812 and Fernando VII, very simple videos:

And finally here you have a funny TV series, animated, about everything we are studying now... it's in spanish, there are many chapters, and it's very useul to study this topic, enjoy! Clik here.

Monday 8 January 2024

4º - Challenge 4


Here we go with challenge number 4!

This time you have to guess a painter I am thinking about...


He was a visionary...

He changed his painting style many times...

He died in a different country from the one he was born...

He behaved as a journalist in the Spanish War of independence...

Too easy with so many clues... So... apart from the name of the painter, you have to tell me your favorite painting from him and why...

The best comment wins a card! 

2º - Challenge 4... let's ART!

Hi there!

First chance in the 2nd term to win a card! 

This week, you have to identify the building and describe it with the characteristics that you can see of the art style.


NUMBER 1: (same building inside and outside)

NUMBER 2: (same building inside and outside)