Thursday 29 February 2024

2º - Challenge 8 Solution and winner

It is the Beatus map, one of the most important cartographic works of the Early Middle Ages (8th century). It was first drawn by the Spanish monk Beatus of Liébana. Although the original manuscript is lost, there remain several copies, which retain a high fidelity with respect the original (as the one in Saint Sever).

The Map is shown in the prologue of the second book of Beatus' work Commentary on the Apocalypse. Its main goal is to illustrate the primitive Diaspora of the Apostles.

In this mappa mundi, the world is represented as a circular disc surrounded by the Ocean. The Earth is divided in three continents: Asia (upper semicircle), Africa (right lower quadrant) and Europe (left lower quadrant). The continents are separated by water streams and inner seas, including the Mediterranean Sea (Europe-Africa), the River Nile (Africa-Asia), the Bosporus, and the Aegeus Sea (Europe-Asia). In the center of the world lies Jerusalem, sacred to both Christianity and Judaism.

As an art style is difficult to say.. but the original (lost) because of the date it was prerromanesque.

Saturday 24 February 2024

4º - Unit 5 - Imperialism, the Conference of Berlin

Resultado de imagen de conference of berlin summary

Resultado de imagen de conference of berlin summary

Resultado de imagen de conference of berlin summary

2º - Reading plan!

We have almost arrived to the moment in which we are ready to read in English!

That's also the moment because of the topic, the Catholic Monarchs are arriving... so you need to buy this book for next weeks:

Monday 19 February 2024

2º - Challenge 7

Hi there!

This week's challenge is...

What is this? What does it represent? When was it made and art style? and by who?

Wednesday 14 February 2024

4º - Challenge 7

Hi there! 
A new chance for you to win a card...
Today we will research about this man on the picture...  It has to do with Unit 5 we are studying...

Who was this man?
In what historical context did he live?

Tell us something special about his appereance and about his character...
When and how did he die??


Wednesday 7 February 2024

4º - Challenge 6 answer

This caricature was published in LA FLACA in february 1870.

La Flaca was a satirical magazine, republican and federal in nature, published in Barcelona from March 1869.

If you're interested you can browse some models in the National Library website.

We can see Isabel II among other Bourbons, carlists included (una familia modelo...) figthing for the spanish throne against many people who were candidates or claimants to the throne.