Monday 8 January 2024

2º - Challenge 4... let's ART!

Hi there!

First chance in the 2nd term to win a card! 

This week, you have to identify the building and describe it with the characteristics that you can see of the art style.


NUMBER 1: (same building inside and outside)

NUMBER 2: (same building inside and outside)


  1. LEO
    number 1:
    It is a Gothic cathedral the Gothic art
    The architert Eugène Viollet-le-Duc
    between 13th century and 15th century
    is a big cathedral, is gothic because the pinacles the pointed arch the flying butresses the rose window and the stained glass windows.
    for religion, meetings etc

    Number 2:
    is a romanesque church
    europe people
    11th or 12th century
    Is a small romanesque church is a romanesque church but the barrel vault tower semi-circular arches naves and apse

    Number 1
    The Catedral of norte Dam
    The gotics arquitectures in the gotics
    Between 13- 14th century
    In the center has a rose Windows and a pórtico.In the laterals are Windows , butress and flying buttress. The Windows and Doors has ovigal arches.
    In the past to pray and a culture center, now to pray and a museum

    Number 2
    A romanesque church
    The romanesque arquitectures in the Romanesque.
    11th century
    In the center has a Doors and in the laterals, the Doors and Windows are semi circular arches. It has few Windows. Inside is very dark.
    In the past to pray and now like a monument.

  3. HAYA:
    1. This is a cathedral, a Gothic cathedral.
    This cathedral was made by Pierre de Chelles.
    The cathedral was built between the 12th and 14th centuries.
    This cathedral has a lot of flying buttress, a rose window in teh middle of the façade. In the middle of the roof, in the crossing, there is a spire, this spire is so tall.
    This cthedral, has two towers (like all of them), but, in Notre Dame the towers don't end in a "spires".
    This cathedral has pointed arches and inside, has ribbed vaults.
    That cathedrals were very important and religion had a lot of "power".
    The function in the past was to teach through drawings and sculptures, because people did not know how to read.
    Today, this cathedral is close, but today, any cathedral is a museum and some are still saying Mass.


    2. This is a Gothic church, in Palencia.

    This chrurch was made by Doña Mayor in the 11th century.

    This church has small windows, a portico with archivolts, semi-circular arches, two cilindrical towers on the sides.

    On the crossing (in the roof) there is like a cupola.

    In the church, there are barrel vaults.

    From the outside we can see the apses.

    In the romansque architecture the windows are small because the people thought they would pray better with less light, and they paint in the walls to tech the people.

    Today and in the past we use this for pray, and today also to visit (like a museum).

  4. Laura:
    1. This is the cathedral of Notre Dame, in Paris. It is a a gothic cathedral. The arquitect was Jean de Chelles. this was built between the 13th and 14th century.
    It is very high.It has two towers. It has pointed arches. It is ended with pinnacles. We don´t see the portals and don´t see how many aisles has outside. It has flying buttresses.
    Inside is very high, we can see the pointed arches, ribbed vaults, it has some stained glasses windows, here we can see the aisles, it has three. There are columns.
    In the past it uses for pray and teaching, and say that the cathedral look out the merchandise that arrive to the river.
    Today it is a very national place of cult and some people go there to pray.

    2. This is the church of San Martin de Fromista, in Palencia, Spain. It is a Romanesque church. The arquitect was Manuel Aníbal Álvarez. This was bulit in the 11th century.
    It is small. It has little windows. The arches were semi-circulars. In the middle was a tower.
    The polychrome it was deletes because it´s been a lot of time.
    Inside has barrel vaults. It has three aisles. It has columns. It has semi-circular arches.
    In the past it uses for teaching and for pray.
    Today it use for visit and for religious.
