Wednesday 15 May 2024

2º - Challenge 11 - Let's art...

Hi there!

Here we are again with a new Art Challenge...

We are studying the Renaissance... so let's travel to Italy...

You have to discover where these monuments are, and to what artist and period of the Renaissance they belong to... 




Tuesday 14 May 2024

4º - Challenge 9


We continue Unit 6, and related to sports we have an international event in this period to be considered as part of a totalitarian regime... the Olympics in 1936.

So I propose you to investigate about the Games that year in Berlin... and find out what the relation is with a totalitarian regime...

I want you to create an small text summarising the event, and including one event or character that calls your attention the most...

Tuesday 7 May 2024

4º - Unit 6 - videos

Here you have some videos about the fascism we're studying.

First a video with Mussolini, and his march on Rome and rise to power...

This one is about the Olympic games in Berlin, 1936, known as the nazi olympics:

And here we have the arrival to power of Hitler:

And finally, maybe some unknown facts about Hitler... or curiosities:

4º - Challenge 8

Today's challenge is about ITALY...

We have three pictures about an important event in its history that happened there in Italy in the 1920's...

These are the questions you have to answer in your research (do not copy and paste... try to write and summarise your answer):



Who was the leader

What was the result or the consequence...

File:March on Rome 1922 - Alle porte di Roma.png - Wikimedia Commons 

File:March on Rome 1922 - Quirinale.jpg - Wikimedia Commons