Thursday 18 January 2024

4º - Challenge 5

Hi there!

Here we have the new challenge!

In this one you have to become a "journalist" and investigate a bit about our former spanish king Fernando VII...

Make a small report including anything you find curious or interesting about him! Not long... 

With your best answers we can create an article for the school magazine!


  1. Fernando VII was born in 1784 and died in 1833. Some curiosities are: he was popular because after he come back to Spain in 1814 after the independence war, he throw away the constituion of 1812. They called him El deseado, because the spaniards wanted him back during the war of independece. Fernando had a disability called macrofalosomía genital, wich prevented the king to have sexual relationships, because this disease was caracteristic of have the "male reproductive system" to big. Other important people had it, like Napoleon

  2. DANI: Fernando VII was king of Spain between 1817 and 1833, and was called by the Spanish population as the desired one,
    He is considered the greatest exponent of absolutism in Spain. He was the son of Charles IV and Maria Luisa of Parma.
    He had a daughter, Elizabeth II,
    One of the curiosities that I have found is that he was married 4 times.

  3. Ferdinand VII suffered from genital macrophalosomia, a disorder that prevented him from having normal sexual relations. Eloy

  4. África Arias Sánchez
    Fernando VII was born on the 10th of October 1784 (El Escorial) and died in Madrid 1833 on the 29th of November.
    He was the ninth of fourteen sons of Maria Luisa de Parma and Carlos IV.
    When he was young, he got poor health and suffered from several illnesses. Also, during adulthood, he suffered from attacks of gout.
    At the short age of eighteen, he married Maria Antonia de Borbón.
    His first period of reign only lasted one month, from March 19 to mid-April 1808.
    On March 24th, 1808, Fernando VII moved to Madrid, where he received a warm popular reception and was, for the second time, acclaimed king.
    Furthermore, he took part in several agreements, such as the Valençay's treaty, but he did also refused to sign the constitution. In addition, on the 4th of May 1814, the monarch signed a document that abolished the Constitution and the Cortes of Cádiz.
    A few years later, in 1820, he decided to accept to sign the constitution. This period was called "Trienio Liberal."
    After 2 years, he leads a coup d'etat in which Luis XVIII from France took part in sending to Spain an army called Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis.
    There were many revolts that led to a new period called Ominous Decade on November 13th, 1823.
    In 1829, his third wife died. That same year, the monarch got remarried with his cousin María Cristina de Borbón. The 10th Dcember of 1830, María Cristina gave birth to a girl, future queen Isabel II.
    Moreover, when Fernando died in 1833, Maria Cristina remained as regent of the kingdom during the minority of her daughter Isabel II, who was then 3 years old.

  5. Fernando VII was the 19th-century king of Spain and is known for his controversial reign. A curious fact is that his rule was marked by the alternation between liberal and absolutist periods, causing political instability in the country. Furthermore, Fernando VII was nicknamed "El Deseado" due to the anticipation of stability upon his return to the throne after the Napoleonic invasion.

  6. Hi, i'm Lúa and today i'm going to report Fernando VII.
    - Good morning Fernando, how are you?
    - I'm fine taking into account that i have been death between 200 years, so...
    - well, the first question is: Fernando, why did you change the law Sálica, to help your daugther or to get angry with your brother?
    - it's a good question, well i did it for both, i love my daugther but i love more the wars and i was bored, a little "party" never is bad, but i died so i can't saw it.
    - I'm a little scared about you right now so this interview ends here, thanks for getting up from your eternal dream for this.
