Monday 9 October 2023

4º - Challenge 0

We start warming up...

The first challenge is to choose a topic from your partner's presentations and say why... (a part of their presentations, or somenthing that really stroke you or you loved...).

The winner will received a card (I'll decide, no democracy).

You can wait until everyone has presented...


  1. A topic of a presentation that I liked was the one of Daniel and Lua, because in the game of evaluation, Daniel was putting points to everyone, and it was a caos

  2. I like the presentation of Goya, because the teachers explain ir very good and I understand all of it, the power point was very complete and beautiful.
    My favourite part in the power point and in the explanation is the paintings because the teachers explain it very good, they explain the context, the time that in the painting was created and is a theme that I like it.

  3. The topic that I like the most was the Enlightened despotism due to the presentation as the explanation was very good. In addition, she explained clearly. In my opinion the best part was Carlos III according to his reforms that were very well explained by her. Also, I liked the story of Marquis de Esquilache that looked like to me very interesting. In general it was very well.
    Paula Mangas.

  4. Eloy
    The best part for me was the test of the first team because the preparation was good and had work behind the school

  5. Lúa:
    The presentation that I liked the most was the spanish war succesion, because the teachers explain it very well and the evaluation form was very original.

  6. I liked my partners presentations (Diego and Africa) but also Gonzalo's and Paula's presentation because they spoke very well, the presentation looked good and also the examination system was good.

  7. África Arias Sánchez
    I liked the way Yeray explained how the wife of Charles de IV and her lover were in charge of the kingdom using pictures to make it easier to understand.

  8. For me the part of the presentation That i like Was the Kahoot of Paula and Gonzalo.
