Monday 27 May 2024

4º - Challenge 10


Here you have a new challenge!

It is related with our Unit 6 even 7...

Investigate about these pictures and tell me... What are we talking about?? In what country? When did it happen?? 
End the research with you own opinion/conclusion about what you have learn...

The best wins!

Foto: Prisioneros esperando ser transportados a los campos de trabajo soviéticos en los años 20. (Cordon Press)

Gulag Museum Says Moscow Ordered 'Catastrophic' Destruction Of ...

File:Gulag prisoners at work 1936-1937.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Japanese prisoners of war in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia


  1. África Arias Sánchez
    This pictures represent the Soviets Gulags, they were not only death camps but a re-education place for criminals or enemies doing forced work. It was organized and controlled by the state (CPSU)
    The first Gulags appeared the 25th April 1930 and they lasted till 13th January 1960. So the photos could be from any time between this years.
    I think, even though some experts believe that many prisoners were released, it was a huge act of cruelty and an attempt to humans rights.

  2. The 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 5th pictures are about the gulags in USSR, by the lead of Stalin in Siberia. They consisted in forzated works, during 1930-1948 The 4th picture is about the Japannesse War prisioners in the USSR during 1945-1946. They were in jails doing forzated works. Around 50.000 people died. I think that this period of war was bad to all the bands of the war because many people died in both sides, in my opinion an useless war DIEGO

  3. Dani.
    These images belong to the transfer of prisoners to the Russian concentration camps created by Stalin. These were produced in the USSR. and occurred from 1933 to 1939.

  4. The images refer to the transfer of people to forced labor camps or, in other words, the soviets gulags. They were in the Soviet Union. The gulag was officially created on April 25, 1930 and dissolved on January 13, 1960. They were used, for the most part, during the Second World War.
    Concentration camps, in any historical context, represent one of the darkest aspects of humanity. They are places where many brutalities have been committed, and their existence reflects the human capacity to put extreme suffering on other human beings for political, racial, religious or ideological reasons.
    Paula M.

  5. These are some photos of German concentration camps in 1944.
    To me this is a human resources violation and should not have happened.

  6. The first photo is in the city of Karaganda, Kazakhstan, where one of the largest Soviet prison colonies was located between 1930 and 1958. In the second photo you can see the soldiers who supported Hittler guiding the prisoners to the concentration camps. The third image shows people arriving at the Soviet concentration camps The fourth shows Japanese soldiers returning from Siberia, where they were imprisoned after World War II, waiting to disembark from a ship in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, in 1946. And in the fifth and last one you can see prisoners from one of the gulags building a railway line in 1947.
