Tuesday 14 May 2024

4º - Challenge 9


We continue Unit 6, and related to sports we have an international event in this period to be considered as part of a totalitarian regime... the Olympics in 1936.

So I propose you to investigate about the Games that year in Berlin... and find out what the relation is with a totalitarian regime...

I want you to create an small text summarising the event, and including one event or character that calls your attention the most...


  1. Hitler was at the Olympic Games that year, while he hid his racist and militaristic character, in these Olympics he showed the peaceful and tolerant side of Germany. Germany skillfully promoted the Olympics through colorful posters and double-page ads. Images of the athletes linked Nazi Germany to ancient Greece. Such depictions symbolized the Nazi racial myth that the Germanic master race was the heir to an "Aryan" culture of classical antiquity.

  2. In 1936, the Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in Nazi Germany in Berlin. On this occasion, sport served to apply Nazi aesthetics and was used as a propaganda vehicle by Hitler, who is the character that clearly attracts my attention the most in the Olympics. Eloy

  3. África Arias Sánchez
    ●Before the Nazis came to power, Berlin was selected to host the 1936 Olympic Games. The regime took great advantage of the enormous propaganda opportunity the Games presented. 49 countries participated, for example Afghanistan, Belgium or Peru.
    ●The relationship that holds with a totalitarian state is that Hitler wanted to show how strong were the Arians as well as the country. Despite Josse Owens, a black guy, won several competitions....!!!
    ●For me, the most shocking thing is that it was a period of lying and masking the nature of the country. Violence was suppressed, the antisemitic newspaper was taken off public display in Berlin and even anti-Jewish signs were temporarily removed. Also, visitors were not affected by the anti-homosexuality laws.

  4. DANI: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games were held in Berlin, Germany, between August 1 and 16, 1936, during the period of the Third Reich, Hitler took advantage of the Games and sports to apply Nazi aesthetics and use these games as vehicle of Nazi propaganda, a curiosity is that Spain, for the first and only time in history, boycotted these Games and did not participate. He had organized as an alternative the Popular Olympiad in Barcelona, suspended due to the start of the Civil War.

  5. África Arias Sánchez
    In the previous comment I forgot to mention: other characteristic related to a totalitarian regime is that there were many parades and tons of Nazi symbols everywhere.

  6. In 1936 the olimpic games took place in Berlín, Germany. They were the first ones that were televised and celebrated by Hitler and Nazis. All of this was used by Hitler to show the world his army, with biggest army parades. All the decorates of the stadiums were decorated with (esvásticas) (it was prohibited to show politics in the Olimpics)
    A person that called my attention was Jese Owens, that won several medals, but like it was black, it didn´t get them.
