Thursday, 30 January 2025

4º - Challenge 10

Here you have the new challenge:

PS: Ismael, we miss your greetings!

Thursday, 23 January 2025

2º - Challenge 10

We are starting Unit 6, Al Andalus...

Through this topic we will discover many things that we have today thanks to that period in which Muslims ruled in the Iberian peninsula...

So, the challenge is... investigate, and choose anything that is related to Al Andalus or muslim presence and you like or you were impressed by...

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

4º - Challenge 9

Hi there,
Resultado de imagen de periodista dibujos

This challenge will transform you into researchers! The best journalist in research wins!

The topic is... the Congo genocide that was driven by somebody in the Imperialism there in the Belgian Congo...

So in a little report, you will offer: (please do not copy and paste, make a summary in your own words):

What happenned
What strike you most about your investigation...

The sooner is ready... the better... 

Sunday, 19 January 2025

2º - Medieval and Gothic art - videos

Here you have some videos to review medieval art:

This one is about Gothic architecture (put subtitles, better in English):


Arquitectura gótica:

Escultura Gótica:

2º - Romanesque videos

 Here we have the videos about Romanesque painting / decoration we watched in class:

Decora tu iglesia:

Una película medieval:

Organización social, videojuego:

Y otro que no vimo, pero os da unos cuantos ejemplos del Románico catalán:

Monday, 13 January 2025

2º - Challenge 9... let's ART!

Hi there!

First chance in the 2nd term to win a card! 

This week, you have to identify the building and describe it with the characteristics that you can see of the art style.


NUMBER 1: (same building inside and outside)

NUMBER 2: (same building inside and outside)

Thursday, 9 January 2025

4º - Challenge 8

Hi there!

We had finished the Industrial revolution in class... so here is the last related challenge!

During the second industrial revolution many inventions appeared... but we are focusing in this one in the picture.

Task: make a research about it, and make a brief report telling us something about the invention and also the role of women during this process...!