Monday, 23 December 2024

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

2º - Challende 8 - Let's art!


The last challenge this term is about art...

We follow this activity from our book, so choose one medieval monument in the province of León, and tell me why you have chosen it, and:

-Date of construction and place where it's located.

-Style of art and main characteristics.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

4º - Challenge 7


Here you have the last challenge of this first term...

From the book activity in page 58 (you can read there for clues...), you have to mention an element of your area that is related to the industrial revolution, and explain why you choose it and how it is related.

Monday, 2 December 2024

2º - Music and History: The Black death

 Here you have a song-parody of the terrible bubonic plague...

And here you have this article to have more information about it, and by the way you practice some more english!

And finally, the video proposed by the class book:

The Black Death from Christopher Brown on Vimeo.

2º - Challenge 7

Hi guys!

We are talking about the 14th century crisis in Europe... and one of the causes was the Hundred Years War...

Well, today you have a task related to this great war and the role of one soldier... 

Who was this special knight? What is she special for?... Make a research and present us the character briefly.

Add your opinion... The best wins a card.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

4º - The Industrial Revolution


We are starting... the Industrial revolution!

You will have all the summaries (diagrams) in teams... 

These easy videos will help us to start the topic... enjoy!

Thursday, 28 November 2024

2º - Challenge 6 - solution

The first University in Spain was the University of Palencia.

It was founded by king AlfonsoVIII de Castilla in 1212. They taught Theology and Arts there (Trivium y Quadrivium).

The trivium is the lower division of the seven liberal arts and comprises grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

The quadrivium was a grouping of four subjects or arts—arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy—that formed a second curricular stage following preparatory work in the trivium.

2º - Joan of Arc

 While studying the Hundred Years' War... We have mentioned Joan Of Arc, let's learn more about her:

Monday, 25 November 2024

4º - Challenge 6

This week is not about speed! You have to be creative... 

We are teaching the Industrial Revolution... so this challenge includes 2 parts:

The one you can read in the picture, that is about your daily life (present): ¿¿Sin qué aparato tecnológico no podrías vivir?? y por qué!!!??? Razona y sé original! :)

And a second one: you have to think also in what invention of the Industrial Revolution those people could not have lived without from the very first moment they discovered it... and why...

Come on! Go for it!

This reward is valid for the second term!

Thursday, 21 November 2024

2º - Challenge 6

Hi, Here you have a new chance to get a card!

You have to investigate about the first Universities:

1- When and where was the first university in Spain created?

2- What did they teach at universities in medieval times?

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

4º - Music and history

As an answer to the last challenge...

This is Nabucco (first perfomed in 1842), by italian composer Verdi... Italians adopted it as a hymn of liberty and national unity during the process of unification...


Canto degli italiani o Fratelli d'Italia, 1847. Es el himno actual, adaptado a la República más que a la monarquía resultante del proceso de unificación.

Bella Ciao, from the late 19th century, originally sung by the mondina workers in protest against the harsh working conditions in the paddy fields of Northern Italy.

It is widely assumed that the mondina song was modified and adopted as an anthem of the Italian partisans who opposed Nazism and fascism, and fought against the occupying forces of Nazi Germany, who were allied with the fascist and collaborationist Italian Social Republic between 1943 and 1945 during the Italian resistance and the liberation of Italy.

Versions of "Bella ciao" continue to be sung worldwide as a hymn of freedom and resistance.

Marcia Reale. Official national anthem of the Kingdom of Italy between 1861 and 1943. It was composed in 1831 by Giuseppe Gabetti to the order of Charles Albert of Sardinia as the hymn of the royal House of Savoy, along with the Sardinian national anthem.

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

4º - Challenge 5... music & history!

Today's challenge is about MUSIC...

We are going to study the process of unification of the italian penisula into the Republic of ITALY...

We are looking for a related song! A song that has to do with the ideas or feelings of the revolution that italians followed... Let's try!

4º - Music & history

Here you have a pair of songs related to the French Revolution...

Waterloo by Abba, about Napleon's defeat...

... and Viva la vida by Coldplay about Louis XVI's life... and death... This last activity is inspired in another teacher's blog, you can visit his activity in this link.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Hi there!

Here we have our challenge number 5!

You have to put yourself in a medieval crusader's mind... 

So tell me... who you are, when did you live, and why did you become a crusader!?

We have time until next Monday 11!

4º - Challenge 4 - Music and history!

Music and history... 

Here we have a new challenge!!!

The challenge is to find a song or 2 songs ... related to our last topic in history... The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire.

1- A song related to the end of Napoleon.

2- A song related to the life of Louis XVI.

I'm thinking in 2 famous musical groups ... 2 famous songs, number 1 is older... the 2 is newer...

Resultado de imagen de music and history    

Monday, 28 October 2024

2º - Challenge 4 - answer


Tha was the full correct answer!

You had to tell me: What is it?, Where can you find it?  and  Who did it?

The answer was: The Palatine Chapel, built by Charlemagne during the 8th century in his Palace in Aachen, capital city of the Carolingian Empire.

We have a new challenge available! 

The 3 contestants have their positives... the other their negatives....!

Thursday, 24 October 2024

4º - French Revolution videos

Hi there,

Here you have another videos to study the French Revolution while you practice english! I have made a selection for you, you can choose:

1- High level by Mr Green (in History and in English):

2- A brief one. a summary:

3- the French Revolution in 9 minutes...

4- Finally a long but good one, it has 2 parts, by oversimplified:

Monday, 21 October 2024

4º - Unit 2 - French Revolution

Here you have the TEDx video about the French revolution we have used in the class activity. So you can watch it again with english subtitles to better understand it... 

And I link also the song for you... enjoy it! (read the lyrics!)

Thursday, 17 October 2024

4º - Challenge 3!

Hi there,

Double task in this challenge!

1- What is the meaning of the 3 colours flag of France??

2- Could you describe briefly the republican calendar of the French revolution??

Resultado de imagen de republican calendar

We will check this challenge in a week... you have time enough to investigate!

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

4º - Music and History

 Let's have some fun while remembering the Boston Tea Party...

2º - Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca

Os dejo algunos videos relacionadas con nuestro tema del Islam, así podéis ver cómo se desarrollan las peregrinaciones a La Meca cada año.
Solo el primero está en inglés, así practicáis un poco, es el más completo.

Monday, 14 October 2024

4º - Unit 2 - The American Revolution

Here you have some videos to deeper study the American Revolution:

The crash course by Mr. Green: (high level)

These are easier...

"A Brief History of America's Independence: Part 1" (Revolutionary War):

"A Brief History of America's Independence: Part 2" (Revolutionary War): 


The Boston Tea Party:

A Brief History of the USA:

2º - Challenge 3


Here we have the third challenge!

It's about Islamic culture... You have to research one of the medieval islamic inventions or contributions to science or knowledge. Choose the one you think it is the most important and tell me why.

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Example on how to interpret a work of art

Hi guys!

I share with you an example of commentary of a work of art... This one is an example from Unit 1 and the method is valid for all the year.

How to interpret an object/ picture/ work of art... 

You should follow these steps:

1- What is it? It is a sculpture, it’s a capital from a column inside a church. It belongs to San Pedro de la Nave, Zamora.
2- Who did it? or Which civilization? It is from the visigothic style in the Iberian Peninsula.
3- Which is its approximate date? It was made about the end of the 7th century.
4- How is it? (form, material, decoration, theme...) It is made from stone, it is part of a column, and the sculpture is on relief, adapted to the architectural element. This is a scene from the Bible, a religious theme, depicting the sacrifice of Isaac. It is very clear, designed for the people, who were illiterate in those days, to easily understand it.
5- What information from the past does it give us? (facts, government, population...) In the Visigothic kingdom, in the medieval era of history, churches were small, and used the decoration in order to teach people about christianity.
6- What was it used for? (function) Churches were a place to pray, and capitals were an element of the architecture, part of the column and therefore a support element. The real function of the decoration in this capitals was to show people the scenes of the Bible in a simple form.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

2º - Challenge 2


Here we have our second challenge!

Here you have a sentence by one of the people in the picture below... 

Who is speaking and what can you imagine about him / her life?

The best comment wins a card.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

4º - Challenge 2!

Marie Antoinette Adult.jpg

Challenge 2 is devoted to... MARIE ANTOINETTE!

Tell us who she was, and any interesting fact about her life!

The most amazing comment wins a card!

REMINDER: The challenges are part of your homework, and so they're valued for your marks.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

4º - Challenge 1

 Hi there!

Challenges are arrived!

They are compulsory and they will have a reward...

This first one is about the discoveries in the Enlightenment period.

You have to choose 2, the more practical or useful (explain why), and the one you find the best (and why).

You have time until next week!

4º - Unit 1 - Enlightened despotism

 This video is proposed by the book:

2º - Challenge 1

Hi there!

We start with challenges! Are you ready?

Remember this year challenges will be compulsory!!! but they will be rewarded ;)

First one is about Theodora, your task is to read this article about her: and tell me:

a- Who was Theodora?

b- What was unusual about her role?

c- Choose something from the article that impressed you the most.

Use the comment as usual... best comment wins a card!

You have one week time!

Monday, 23 September 2024

4º - Unit 1 - The Old Regime and the Enlightenment

 Here you have a video about the Enlightenment by Mr. Green:


and a very summarised one about the Old Regime:

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Welcome to our class blog!

Hello everybody,

Welcome to the Geography and History Blog for the bilingual section for years 2 and 4 ESO, in IESO La Pola.

Here, we will practice the contents, we'll revise units and terms, we could use it for giving extra information for assigments, or just play...

The participation in the Blog will be part of your overall mark, as will your daily classwork, homework, and your participation in class be.

I hope you like and enjoy it.


Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Have good holidays!

Last post this year to wish you a great summer holidays!  Enjoy your time!

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

4º - Unit 6 - videos

Here you have some videos about the fascism we're studying.

First a video with Mussolini, and his march on Rome and rise to power...

This one is about the Olympic games in Berlin, 1936, known as the nazi olympics:

And here we have the arrival to power of Hitler:

And finally, maybe some unknown facts about Hitler... or curiosities:

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Monday, 8 April 2024

4º - Russian Revolutions, videos

 You have the class presentation in Teams.

Here you have some videos to practice english!

2º - The Inquisition

During the Catholic Monarchs rule, the Spanish Inquisition started to work...

Here we have some more information about the Inquisition (videos are in spanish):

This is from the TV series "Isabel":

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Monday, 11 March 2024

4º - Reading book


This is the book will read during the third term. It's related to next topic, the "Russian Revolutions".

We have one in the school library.

4º - WW1 Presentation

 Here you have the class presentation.

Monday, 4 March 2024

4º - Unit 5 - WW1 videos

Here you have a set of videos summarising WW1... They are short, and easy to follow... Please watch them...

World War I - How Did It Start? 

World War I - Which Countries Fought

WW1 - Weapons and Technology

WWI - The Aftermath

World War I - How Did It End?

World War I - Treaty of Versailles

And here you have also a rap to remember how the alliances came into practice at the beginning of the war... :)

Last, but not least... a summary of the war through two different videos... it can be very useful for both, practicing english and learning about WW1... :

Saturday, 24 February 2024

2º - Reading plan!

We have almost arrived to the moment in which we are ready to read in English!

That's also the moment because of the topic, the Catholic Monarchs are arriving... so you need to buy this book for next weeks:

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

4º - The Independence of Latin America

 Here you have an extra video to know a bit more about the proccess while practice English!

4º - Unit 4 - videos

Videos to review the first part of the unit...

The  Spanish War of Independence:

About the Constitution of 1812 and Fernando VII, very simple videos:

And finally here you have a funny TV series, animated, about everything we are studying now... it's in spanish, there are many chapters, and it's very useul to study this topic, enjoy! Clik here.