Thursday 9 November 2023

2º - Challenge 3 - Music and history!

Hi guys,

Here we have the third challenge!

This week's challenge is related to music... 

GREGORIAN CHANT is a type of music associated with the Christian liturgy beginning in the 6th century...

Investigate to answer these questions:

1- Why is it called "Gregorian"?

2- What is the difference between monophony and polyphony? Which typoe is Gregorian chant?

3- Who performed it? At what time of day and with what instrument?

EXTRA: To have more chances to win, tell me a famous example from Castilla y León, and we'll listen next day!


  1. 1 Porque procede su origen al papá san Gregorio Magno
    2 La polifonía tiene 2 o más voces y la monofonía solo tiene una , tetagrama
    3 Papa Gregorio Magno, sin instrumentos solo voces , de solía realizar por la tarde.

  2. RETO 3 HISTORY: It´s called Gregorian chant because was Gregory el Magno who invented it. Monophony is an unique voice and polyphony is a group of voices. The gregorian chant is monophony, because only has one voice. It was traditionally sung by men's and children's choirs, or by men and women of religious orders in their chapels. It was sung on the sunrise, it was performed without any instrument, except for some aerophone, like the flute or clarinet.
