Thursday, 21 November 2024

2º - Challenge 6

Hi, Here you have a new chance to get a card!

You have to investigate about the first Universities:

1- When and where was the first university in Spain created?

2- What did they teach at universities in medieval times?


  1. The first university was the University of Palencia in 1212.
    They teached the study of the preparatory arts, or liberal arts; the trivium: grammar, rhetoric, and logic; and the quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.

  2. It was created in Palencia in the year 1212 during the reign of Alfonso VIII of Castilla.
    Theology and Arts were taught there.

  3. 1- The first university in Spain is in Salamanca and was built in 1218
    2- They teach the Arts, Law, Medicine and Theology

  4. 1.- The first university in Spain were in Palencia, Castilla y León. The name of it was "Casa de Santo Domingo de Guzmán", built in 1212.
    2.- They study art, grammar, geometry, music and astronomy.
