Tuesday, 4 February 2025

2º - Challenge 11


First, you have to tell me the city in which these three monuments are located and its nickname (nickname of the city), and second, tell the name and religion of these 3 monuments.

We will raffle the card between the winners next Tuesday 11.





  1. 1- There is Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz. Its nikname is Mezquita de Bab Al- Mardum. It is located in Toledo. It uses Muslim religious.
    2- There is Catedral de Santa María. Its nikname is Catedral Primada de España. It is located in Toledo. It uses Catholic religious.
    3- There is Sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca. Its nikname is Casa del Judío. It is located in Toledo. It uses Catholic religious.

  2. 1.- This is the Mosque del Cristo de la Luz, in Toledo, I'ts religion It's muslim.
    2.- This is the Cathedral de Santa María de Toledo, in Toledo too, but this religion It's catholic.
    3.- This is the Sinagoga de Santa María La Blanca, a catholic building in Toledo.

  3. Esta es la corrección:
    The nickname of all the photos of Toledo is Toledum.

  4. The city is Toledo and its nickname is "Ciudad Imperial" or "Ciudad de las Tres Culturas."
    1- The name of this monument is "Mosque of the Christ of Light/Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz" and it's muslim.
    2- The name is "Cathedral of Santa María de Toledo" and it's Christian.
    3- The name is "Synagogue of santa María La Blanca" and it's jews.

  5. las tres estan en toledo
    2 catedral de toledo .cristiana
    3 sinagoga santa maria blanca .judia
    1 mezquita del cristo de la luz .musulmana

  6. The city is Toledo called " the city of the three cultures ".
    1- The first is the Mosque of the Christ of Light in Toledo.
    2- The second is the cathedral of Santa María in Toledo .
    3- The third is Synagogue of Santa María La Blanca in Toledo.
    All three are from the religion of Christianity.

  7. 1-Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz en Toledo, Religión Islámica
    2-Catedral de santa maría de Toledo, en Toledo,Religión Cristiana
    3-Sinagoga de santa maría la blanca en Toledo, religión Judía.

  8. La ciudad es Toledo y su apodo es Tulaytula, la primera imagen es la mezquita del cristo de la luz y pertenece a la religión musulmana, la segunda es la catedral de Santa María de Toledo y pertenece a la religión cristiana y la última imagen es Sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca y pertenece a la religión de los judíos
